Friday, March 20, 2009

Yellow Dust Rockstar!!

So Monday and Tuesday both had really nice weather. It was warm and sunny with a nice breeze. The only problem was the stupid Yellow Dust!!! I was told more than once walking home on Monday that I needed a mask so I didn’t breath in the yellow dust. On my way home I was thinking how nice of a day it would be to run but wanted to know more about this yellow dust. The yellow dust levels were sitting around 300, which is very unhealthy. I was so bored the whole night because there was nothing to do.

Tuesday was the same so I decided to pay back Jin who loaned me money until I got my entrance allowance. Took the hour long bus ride and had some pizza. Got on the bus going the wrong direction so after the last stop in my town the bus driver pulled up to a stoplight, got on the phone, put the bus in park, and got up and handed me the phone. The woman on the other line was a woman that asked me where I wanted to go, I told her, she told him and then I sat on the bus at a bus stop waiting for the driver’s break to be over. He called the woman again, said something to her, and then handed the phone back to me. She said, “Next time you want to go to Haeundea get on the bus on the other side of the street.” Once I got to my stop, I got off and walked to the subway where I scanned my card and walked down the stairs. Once down there I realize I was on the wrong side and my subway was leaving. I had to go back up, scan out, scan back in (costing me more money), walk back down the stairs, and wait for the subway. Other than that Tuesday was also pretty boring.

Wednesday was boring but I got to go to dinner with my co-teacher, the other teacher that shares the office, the other English teacher and his sister. At dinner I decided I was going to try everything. Not bad until round two came out with raw oysters and sardines. I tried both and both weren’t bad but were pretty salty. My co-teacher and I went shopping after that and every store I went into an asked if they had my size they either showed me a big cape-like dress, big t-shirt, or a man’s shirt. Next to the bus stop there was a salon and I decided to get my haircut. I was in shock but I think I will get used to it.

Thursday I got my alien registration card, wandered around Seomyeon, and bought a computer adaptor and an amazing hat. On the way home from Seomyeon these three girls were taking pictures of each other. I asked if they wanted a picture with the 3 of them and they answered very excitedly, “oh yes.” They then proceeded to hand a camera to one of the other girls and pose next to me!! Then they switched out and took another picture with me… I’m like a rock star!!! I then clarified what I originally meant and took their picture. After they handed me some cookies and thanked me. On the way out they asked me where I was going and told me that I had pretty eyes. I don’t think I have ever been that flattered before. Oh also in the morning 3 of us teachers entertained 280 students by singing Doe, ray, mi; itsy bitsy spider; and I’m a little teapot. After words, the teachers were introduced one by one. When the principle got to me he announced it like I was a star athlete in a very important game and then the crowd of parents went wild. Things are so strange like that here. He then proceeded to tell them about volleyball the previous week. Not sure what else was said but it was pretty funny.

Today has been super boring but I got to talk to my parents and get my package organized that they are sending me tomorrow with all my stuff I left at home. Mostly my climbing and camping stuff because apparently there is tons of climbing here and a group for expats (foreigners) that climb and camp almost every weekend. Also, I we are having dinner as a school and will probably end up drinking a lot of soju, rice wine, and hitting up a norae bong later (karaoke).

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