Friday, June 19, 2009

Court Yard BBQ

Tuesday after school (4:00) my principle and vice principle along with the administrators started up the grill. They had pork and lettuce with BBQ sauce and garlic. The grill was set up in the school court yard and kids were still playing on the play ground equipment. Sure enough, they busted out the Soju (watery vodka) and rice wine. They were drinking in front of the kids AT the school.

Korea cracks me up...I was trying to keep a straight face as one of the teachers handed me a shot glass and poured me a shot of soju (the polite thing to do is take the shot and pass the cup to someone else and then you pour them a shot). I stayed just long enough to have the cup passed to me twice then I decided that it was time to head for the bus!!

I Love Korea...some things are just _________!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


A friend sent me the link to this it!
We have a common destiny with the tree

Move _________, Get out the way!!!

Starting off...I was run over by an adjamma (middle age to old stay-at-home mom that cleans our cities, run us over, and push us around). She was toting around a little two wheel cart for groceries. There was plenty of room between me and other people around me but she decided to invade the space and run over the feet. She hit me with her shoulder and I kind of laughed to myself but before I was finished laughing her cart (not big or heavy) ran over both my feet (not toes, feet). Nothing was said, nothing was gestured, but I was laughing on the inside happy that it wasn't a heavier cart.

Yesterday, Charlie and I went in search of the closest beach to our place. We took a bus, got off in some town with a sign for the beach, and started walking. We were walking on a two lane road with little to no shoulder. The walk took about 20 minutes (just like the adjamma we asked said). Imnang or Imrang beach. We walked the beach and the first thing we saw was a dead dog mostly buried in the sand. We kept walking noticing that the beach wasn't too clean but the water looked better than we both expected. The rest of the walk was pretty uneventful other than the cockroach paradise in front of the cool looking Korean style bungalows. Down by the water on and around the rocks were tons of huge cockroaches, so many that I didn't even want to go look at the cool looking tide pool.

After leaving the beach I found a ceramics place. They give lessons (I think) and I got their number so that I can have my co-teacher call and ask how much...should be interesting. The bus we took home we caught in town and it dropped us off in our town (20 minute from getting on the bus to getting off the bus). Pretty close beach, not too nice but close.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Break a leg!

So over the last couple of weeks but especially the last couple of days I have noticed that there is a large number of kids with "broken" bones. In almost every class I teach there is one or more kids with a splint of some kind: hand, arm, ankle, leg.

What I don't understand is why there are so many more kids here that are broken than in the States? Someone explained the Koreans are hypochondriacs and that they just splint and cast everything that is hurting.

Are there more kids hurt here than the States because they are left unsupervised during their break outside/at home?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thown under the bus

It amazes me how the Korean kids have no problem throwing eachother under the bus and also how honest they are. Today in class my co-teacher asked who talked on the way to class, some pointed out some kids and others volunteered themselves up. These kids spent the rest of the class on the their knees at the back of the class with their eyes shut and head down.

Funny thing the class was about head, shoulders, knees and toes; eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

The tattling is not like the tattling in the States, thats for sure.

The Rundown

The board I bought is super short. The Koreans at the board shop laughed when I said I had never surfed before and that I was going to learn on that one. I ended up renting a long board. I was able to get up 6 times or so during the 2 hours I was there. It was a pretty good time, super tiring though.

I played more sand volleyball.

Met a guy that was going to buy the surf board, when he called Barley back he had already sold it (to me), climbing with another girl that I met at someones birthday party.

Met another guy from orientation, climbing.

Got eaten alive by second graders (twice).

Saw a girl on the subway with a huge marijuana plant on her shirt (doubt she knows what it is)

Went to a Lotte Giants baseball game, did a little dancing in the stands, put a plastic bag on my head, drank some soju (not by choice but in honor), laugh the entire game! Tons of fun :)

Went to the sea cliffs climbing. First time there were 6 of us the second time there were 20+of us. Vietnamese food and Stone Cold Creamery (both times).