Thursday, June 10, 2010


The weather has finally decided to get nice. Up until the 1st of June or so it was cool enough to wear jeans and a long sleeved shirt. We had Wednesday the second off for "Erection Day" (election day but 'r' and 'l' are mixed up all the time) and it was finally nice enough to spend the whole day at the beach. Ever since it has just been nice weather :)

I ran my very first 10k on May 16th and finished in 1 hour 12 minutes (not bad for no training what-so-ever and not running at all for the 6 months before it).

Went to 2 Jim Jil bongs (Korean shower houses/spa) and got naked. After the awkwardness of being naked around a bunch of other naked women, it was pretty nice. I decided to go for the whole experience and paid extra to have an ajumma (older woman) scrub me down...I no longer have a tan and one of my tattoos is missing (just kidding on the tattoo part but serious on the tan :()

Went to the carnival near Gwangali beach and rode the Ferris Wheel, bumper cars, and these carts that have mechanical 'people' pulling. Also rode stuffed animals and shot pellet guns (I now have a monkey in my front window of my car because I hit the target 4 times)

I had a photo shoot with my two best friends and a great photographer at the beach and lunch.

Visited the casino too many times (4) can came out on top once, even 2 times, and in the hole once...not too shabby.

Had a scavenger hunt/clueless birthday party/going away party for one of said best friends. She had no idea and the only clues she got were really helpless pictures (except the picture of a woman showering and millions of eyes staring at her that I drew).

Played in a volleyball tournament on the beach with 3 guys (they asked me to play bc they thought I could hang with the competition [blush]) and we lost the first game to the team that won the tournament :( only one of the 3 in our pool went to the tournament)

Met a guy on the beach and the first thing he said to me was that he liked my dreads:) ATE TACO BELL!!!!

Found the equivalence of Redbull in Korea called Hot 6ix (sometimes heard pronounced 'hot sex'...koreans really have a had time with that stuff)

Learned that my school has belly dancing lessons as part of an after school program.


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